Sunday, May 24, 2020

What I learnt in the Matariki quiz

Today I did a quiz about Matariki, and this is what I learned. The one I found the most amazing was that the Matariki cluster is 440 light-years away and that if I was going at 100 km/h it would take me 48 billion light-years! It was a very good quiz.


  1. Ka rawe Miro! I also learnt alot from this quiz. The thing I found the most interesting was the difference between a cluster and a constellation. Maybe you could find out more about the myths that go with the Matariki cluster in other countries?

  2. Interesting to note the names that other cultures use, and how they also use the same stars to track the passing of time. I would love to hear more!

    1. Hi Mum
      I did a thing about the seven maidens of the Kiowa tribe. It is about seven maidens who were being chased by a bear. The climb onto this rock and beg the rock to save them, so it pushed them up into the sky to be protected by the great spirit.
