Monday, October 26, 2020

Armageddon Expo

 Today we had to do a quiz about the current events and then research the thing one of the questions was about. The question I chose was, "Armageddon Expo celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. What is Armageddon expo?". I researched everything I could find about the convention. I would have added more but the school blocks the Armageddon site. To be BTB I could have searched more on different websites.

How to be a good sportsman

 Today I had to write how to be a good sportsman. After I learnt everything about it, I knew a lot about it. 
To be BTB I could have written more.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Compare Sportsmanship

 Today we had to compare two articles that had something to do with sportsmanship in a Venn Diagram.
Text A was about a man called Novak Djokovic who was playing tennis and hit a ball really hard into a lady's throat.
Text B was about a man called Ben Parore who was running a marathon and went back to push a man who was racing in a wheelchair.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Novak Djokovic questions

 Today I had to read an article about how Novak Djokovic hit a line judge in the neck while playing tennis then answer the questions.
It was slightly hard when I had to watch the video about it because I didn't actually understand anything he was saying.
To be BTB I could have written longer answers.

Read this article and then answer the questions below in full sentences. 

What did Novak Djokovic do to make him default from the US open? He was angry because he lost his last game, so he hit the ball very hard behind him. The ball hit the line judge's neck, causing pain.

What rule did Djokovic break? The rule that says you can’t intentionally hit a ball dangerously or recklessly in the court or hit a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences.

Do you agree with Djokovic’s punishment? Why? Explain. Yes. He made someone not be able to breathe and hurt them.

Watch the video in the article. Do you agree with what the man said? Explain. Yes, I agree with what he said. He hit the ball and hurt someone, and the man says it makes sense that he should get defaulted and I think that makes sense too.
Also, in other sports, people starting fights or hurting people get sent off. 

Should professional sportsmen and women let their emotions get the best of them while playing? Explain. No, they shouldn’t. They might hurt someone and get physical, and they wouldn’t be role models for any children that like to watch tennis.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Atmosphere and Mood Novel Study

 Today for the novel study I had to write how it felt to read that kind of book and what the atmosphere and mood were. I didn't understand what the question meant at first but with some help, I managed to write down all my thoughts.

To be BTB I could have made it longer.

Sportsmanship Mind Map

For literacy, we have been doing T-shaped literacy, which means reading lots and reading deep into the novel/story. For T-shaped literacy, we had to do different activities about Sportsmanship. The first activity was to make a brain dump then sort that into a Mind Map.

To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could have tried to think of more information about the vocal side of bad sportsmanship.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

My Brother's War- The most Important Parts

 This time for our Novel Study, after we had finished reading it we had to explain the most important parts of the story.

I think I could have put more detail into it, but these are the most important parts I could remember from it.

My Brother's war- Find the Message

In this activity, I had to look through our novel study book, My Brother's War, and find what message it gave us. I think this gave us a message that was easy to find but had lots of parts to it.

To be BTB I could have tried to have more than "War is bad" and "It doesn't matter what you believe".

learn Japanese Characters

 I was bored today and I really love Japanese so I made this.

It helps you learn all the Japanese characters there are. To be BTB I could have worked harder to find a Kanji chart, but there weren't many.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Lake Ohau Fire News Report

 This week my class was researching the Lake Ohau Fires that happened during the holidays. We had to make a News Report or a Newspaper report, and I chose the News Report. Lucy and I did it together and made this video (With Lucy being the stupid news reporter) and some ads, which made it look like a real news report. 

I think we should have practiced it a little more and had more information but we didn't have much time so I think this would be the best I could do right now.

So come and watch today's episode of the Pointless News!