Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Why fitness is good for you

This is why fitness is really good for you. You can keep healthy with fitness and be a happy person. If you get enough fitness, then you are a very healthy person.

We do a long run at school a lot, but most people hate it.

Monday, March 29, 2021

How tokelau makes energy

 For t-shaped literacy I read a slide about how Tokelau makes energy and the problems they faced. Then I made a slide explaining it for my blog. 
This was really interesting and it's cool how a really small country has some amazing ways of making power.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Car Races

For maths, we got into groups and had to race toy cars. We measured how far they went and how fast they were over a certain distance. Then we had to make bar graphs.
This project was really fun, especially the car racing!

Kinetic vs. Potential energy- Cotton Ball Launcher

For energy, we got in pairs to make something, like a paper plane launcher or a marble run, that explains kinetic and potential energy. I got in a pair with Lucy and we made a cotton ball launcher. We then videoed ourselves explaining how it works and showing it.
We didn't have a cotton ball so we had to use a screwed up piece of paper. 
This was a really fun project to do, and it would be amazing to do it again.
(Miro Chromebook Productions isn't a real thing, and neither is Lucy Studios! It's just a funny thing we do when we make videos.)

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Energy- sun and wind brainstorm

Today we had to think about how the sun and the wind affect our daily lives and make a brainstorm. Then we had to watch a video in Maori about Tawhirimatea, the wind god, and we had to figure out what was happening through the pictures. Then we had to add to the brainstorm. 

Watching the Maori video really made me think but I still managed to "Read" the pictures and add more on.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Know your keyboard

 Today I filled out a slide about knowing my keyboard and knowing all the shortcuts. I got it from a website, it's here: https://cybersmartchallenge.blogspot.com/2021/02/activity-2-know-your-keyboard.html

This was easy because I already know a lot of shortcuts but I still learnt some more.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Energy song

For energy I made a song that explained everything about energy. I used the tune of the Star Wars Cantina Band by John Williams.

Energy Mobile

 For T-shaped literacy we have been learning about energy. I had to make a mobile about energy. I drew everything on my chromebook, printed them out then stuck them on cardboard and hung them up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Kinetic and Potential energy questions

 Today for literacy I had to watch a video that explains potential and kinetic energy. It had lots of things, like a rollercoaster model, dropping microphones, and using pogo sticks. Then I had to answer some questions about energy. I found these questions very interesting because I like science.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Nuclear energy vocabulary task

 Today I learned about potential and kinetic energy and other energies. Potential energy is energy stored in an object and kinetic is motion energy. I had to choose a type of energy and write what I know about it. I chose Nuclear energy because I know a lot about radiation and nuclear power having watched the Chernobyl series.

The picture is of Chernobyl in the 2000s after it exploded.