Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The hottest and coldest countries in the world

 Today we had to do a worksheet about temperatures for maths. Next, we had to research the hottest and coldest countries in the world and create a DLO about them. 
It was kind of hard because there were so many different websites saying different things.


  1. Kei whea mai Miro! Amazing effort. I did not know that Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark! That is very interesting. I would love to visit Greenland one day. Would you rather visit Greenland or Burkina Faso?

    1. That is a very hard question. I would want to go Burkina Faso because it has lots of animals in it, since it's in Africa. I would want to go to Greenland because I love snow and freezing marshmallows in the ice. Maybe I should go to both!

    2. Ohhh that is a good idea. I agree about the animals in Africa, it would be amazing to see them in their natural habitat.
