Wednesday, December 23, 2020

SLJ- Building a beaver dam!

 Today for the Summer Learning Journey, I built a dam. I built it in a little stream of water that was forming in my backyard (It was forming in a drain because it was raining). First I had to see how beavers build their dams. It was really fascinating how the beavers have orange teeth.
Next, I built my dam. I made it out of, sticks, stones, and mud.
It was kind of hard because the water kept running the wrong way.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

SLJ which one does not belong?

 Today I had to fill out a slide. It had four little pictures on each slide, and I had to "Spot the differences". I think I found a few that not many other people noticed.
After that, I made one of my own. The bottom two are drawn by Lucy, and I thought they looked really good and fitted the theme.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Summer learning journey kowhaiwhai

 Today for the Summer Learning Journey, I had to learn about Tanerore and the wiwiri. Tanerore is the son of Tama-nui-te-ra. Wiriwiri are like mirages that are seen when Tanerore does a haka.  Next, I had to watch a video about Kowhaiwhai. Kowhaiwhai are Maori patterns of swirls and koru. They are often found in marae. Once I watched the video, I had to make a Kowhaiwhai.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Fishing False Teeth SLJ

 Today for the Summer Learning Journey I had to read an article about a guy who lost his false teeth. Then we had to make a comic about it after we watched a video about it.

To be BTB I could be more imaginative when making the comics. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Ants Vs. Cats

 Today I was looking at a thing called the Bored Button- a thing that when you press the button it takes you to a random website. I came across one where you can make your own Star Wars Introduction. Mine was about a book I want to write. It is based on an argument between my friend Lucy and another boy Aaron. It was about a war between cats and ants.
I thought it would be funny to put it on my blog.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Summer learning journey Starter- Colouring book

 During the summer holidays, I am going to be doing the Summer Learning Journey. Our class did a starter to learn how to use it.  The first starter is where you have to choose a painting on a website called Art Colouring Book where you can re-colour old paintings. Then you have to colour it, answer a few questions and blog it.

Original piece

Re-coloured piece

I changed the colour of the kimono (Her clothes) because I thought it would look cool in red and gold. I also think it would look Japanese.
To me, she looks more Indian because of the colour of the skin.
In step it up, I had to look closely at a part of it. I looked at the kimono. Because there is texture to it, I saw little patterns of skulls.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The hottest and coldest countries in the world

 Today we had to do a worksheet about temperatures for maths. Next, we had to research the hottest and coldest countries in the world and create a DLO about them. 
It was kind of hard because there were so many different websites saying different things.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Divergent comic

 At school, we are learning how to make comics. We had to make a storyboard about a book we have read on a website called storyboard that. I chose a book called Divergent. It is about a girl called Tris who grows up in a world with 5 factions. When she turns 16 she has to take a test and choose a faction based on her results. Instead of getting one, she gets 3. I will not tell you all of the things because that would be spoiling it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Mink Farms

 Today we did the quiz and like usual had to create a DLO. I chose the question that said, "COVID19 has been detected in mink farms and have to be culled. What are mink farms used for?". 
There wasn't much to find out about this.