Monday, November 1, 2021

How to do short division

 For the past week we have been filling all the gaps in maths that we need to before high school. One of the things I didn't really know how to do was short division. First I had to learn about it. I had to look on maths buddy for videos and lessons on it. I watched the videos and did the lessons. Next I made a slide to explain how to do it. 

Here is my slide:

I think next I could learn how to it with decimal remainders.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Polyline Drawing

We watched a video about making a polyline drawing on Google Drawings. The person who made it said that you got a photo of someone famous, and then you drew over it with the polyling tool. I couldn't really think of anyone, so I just chose one of my favourite YouTubers, Dangthatsalongname (Smajor).

It was kind of annoying to do because the line that you draw has to be long enough otherwise it stops you from drawing it.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Paralympic Swimming- Maths

 Today I did a sheet in ordering the times of different paralympic swimming events. It was pretty easy to do because all you had to do was find the lowest number and then that would be the fastest, and the highest number would be the slowest.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Paralympic Medals- Maths

Today for maths I read about how many gold medals Great Britain and Northern Ireland had got at the Paralympics since 1996. Then I had to create a bar graph about it.
I created my bar graph on Google Spreadsheets. It took me a while to figure out how it worked but I managed.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tesla Bot

Today I did the weekly current events quiz. One of the questions was about what Tesla is planning to make, and that was the Tesla bot! This question was pretty easy because I had watched a video about it before!

I don't think that we should let robots do things like this because we might become what we are in the movie WALL-E. 

I hope you enjoy this blog post!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Adding fractions with different denominators

 Today I watched a video from Khan Academy about adding fractions with different denominators.

The questions I did were:

9/10 + 1/6 = 1 1/15

1/2 + 11/12 = 11 5/12

3/4 + 1/5 = 19/20

The video talked about how you took the 2 fractions you were adding and found the highest common multiple of the two denominators- in 9/10 + 1/6 it was 30. Then to the 1 in 1/6, you did to the 1 what you did to the 6 to get to 30, which was multiply it by 5. It became 5/30. Then I did the same to the 9/10, and the question got changed to 27/30 + 5/30 = 32/30. Then you half it to simplify it, becoming 16/15. Since it's an improper fraction I made it 1 and 1/15.

This was not very interesting because I already knew how to do it, but it was interesting to see what questions I was given.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

What would I ask?

 Because of lockdown, I had to write down questions about COVID-19 that I would ask Ashley Bloomfield or Jacinda Ardern. I would ask these because I don't know a lot about the Delta Variant.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Denmark mini research

In week 2, we did mini researches on countries that were competing in the Olympics. We were given letters and we chose a country that started with that letter. I got D, so I chose Denmark. I then made a poster about it.

This was really fun to do and I enjoyed making the poster.



Denmark is a country in Scandinavia, Denmark.

Prime minister: Mette Frederiksen

Population: 5.84 million

Capital: Copenhagen

Currency: Danish Krone

Queen: Margarethe II


-Denmark was home to Hans Christian Andersen and has a Little Mermaid statue

-Greenland is owned by Denmark

-Danish has no word for please


To say hello to anyone, just say "Hej" which is pronounced "Hi". To say Goodbye say "Hej Hej" or "Farvel".

Bike Culture

Denmark is known for its biking! Only 4 out of 10 Danes own a car, while 9 out of 10 own a bike.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Word of the week 1

Today for reading we started a thing called Word of the Week (WotW) where we chose a word and answer the questions. We will do it every week this Term. I did this last year in Year 7 as well.
The word I chose was "gaze". I chose it because it was only the start of the term and I thought it might be a little easier!

Monday, July 5, 2021

3 job profiles

Today for T-shaped literacy, I read 3 school journal articles about people's jobs, the challenges they faced, and how they got into their jobs. I then wrote what kind of qualities you need to have the job. The most fun one was the Aerospace engineer because I normally wouldn't think about that job.

Comic or graphic novel artist
Be Resilient
Have Perseverance 
Have determination and positivity
Be imaginative

Aerospace engineer
Be able to build and engineer things
Be interested in the stars and human space flight
Be interested in space
Work hard 
Not let anything get you down

Have imagination
Have perseverance
Be good at designing and building


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Careers Mini Research


for T-shaped literacy, I did a mini-research on the jobs I was interested in. First, I made a brainstorm of all the jobs I was interested in. I then picked 5 of them and researched them. It was pretty easy because I only put 5 in my brainstorm. Then I looked up the pros cons, qualifications, and wrote why they interested me in each job. I hope you like my work and that maybe you are interested in that job too!
The Slideshow

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Buzz Quiz

Today for Reading I did a quiz about what my career is. It gave me options on what I'd rather do. Then it would come up with my personality and jobs that would suit me. I don't really think these tests are accurate, because jobs are based on interests, not personality.
Once I had finished the quiz, I made a short video about my results and what I thought of the quiz. Talking about the quiz was interesting, but doing it wasn't, because I have done these tests before.
the test:

Monday, June 28, 2021

Top Careers

 Today for T-shaped Literacy we are learning about careers because it is required in Year 8.

I had to read an article about the top 20 jobs in New Zealand. I then had to pick 5 jobs and write facts about them. Because the article was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to write how it had changed because of lockdown.

This was cool to read to see what the people thought would be the most wanted jobs in New Zealand.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Energy Inquiry- Black Holes.

 In the first 5 weeks of Term 2, we have been creating inquiries about Energy. We got to go in a pair, so I went with Lucy. Lucy and I decided to make our inquiry about Black Holes and the energy around them. Black holes are massive objects in space, mostly in the center of a galaxy.

We chose 5 questions and tried to answer them, those were our facts. We made a model with our facts on it. We also put a hole in the model so we could pull little pictures of energy, astronauts, and aliens into our model.

This was a really fun inquiry to do and I'm glad we chose to do black holes. Next time I could check my work before I print it because I found a few spelling mistakes!

What are Black Holes?
Black holes are rotating objects in space that pull energy into them. The gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape. Because of this, black holes are invisible to the human eye. Why? Since no light can escape, there is no light to look at. See, humans need light to be reflecting off the object to be able to see something. Black holes absorb light, making them so dark they are invisible. 
Let us get this straight. Black holes aren’t holes. They’re objects.
Black holes “Suck” absolutely EVERYTHING in. It wouldn’t care if you were its best friend when you were kids. It won’t care if you gave it free candy. It’s going to eat you up (And the candy too) no matter what you do.

What happens if you go in a black hole?
Just like with a planet or a star, as you get closer you get caught in the black hole’s gravitational pull. If you were in a spacesuit, outside the spaceship, it would be impossible to escape because the gravity is so strong. If you were inside a ship then it would be possible to fly away. If you’re thinking we could just swan dive into a black hole and see what’s on the other side, then you’re wrong. Firstly, you wouldn’t be able to get out, so you’ll never see your friends and family again. Secondly, as soon as you go into the black hole, you are going to get ripped apart before you even get to the other side.  
Just before the “Hole” of the black hole you will get to a place called the event horizon. Once you pass this, or even get close to it, then you’re probably never going back to earth.
Once you get to the “Hole” of a black hole, you wouldn’t hit an object like if you were going to a star. This is called the singularity. Once you are there, you are there. You have reached the point of no return.

How are black holes made?
Black holes can be made during the death of an old star, also known as a supernova. When all the fuels and gasses from the core of the star are all gone and exhausted, the core becomes unstable, and it gravitationally collapses into itself, or implodes. Then the outer parts of the star are blown away. All the weight of the matter compresses the dying star until it turns into an object of no volume and infinite density.

Can we get energy from black holes?
No. While there is plenty of energy in black holes that could be of great use to humans the gravitational pull is too strong for humans to resist. 
Although, a new study says that someday energy could be harnessed from black holes. According to a man called Luca Cossimo, we could get energy from our universal overlords. "Black holes are commonly surrounded by a hot 'soup' of plasma particles that carry a magnetic field," said Comisso. "Our theory shows that when magnetic field lines disconnect and reconnect in just the right way, they can accelerate plasma particles to negative energies, and large amounts of black hole energy can be extracted."
If you don’t understand that… it basically means it’s possible to get energy when plasma particles are accelerated, which means they get higher energies. This is also what happens in a particle accelerator.
But what kinds of energy are in black holes? Of course, with most things, they produce kinetic energy (motion energy) and potential energy (energy that is stored and can be potentially used. Most of the energy inside black holes is energy from the rest of the universe.

Where are black holes in our universe
There are black holes all over our universe but the closest one, Telescopium, is a mere 1000 light years away. Telescopium is called that because it is inside the constellation of Telescopium. That’s near the constellation of Sagittarius. There are also Supermassive (Which means they are bigger) black holes in the center of every galaxy. Telescopium is the one in the centre of the milky way, which all the stars are slowly orbiting around.

Dixon House Writing


Dixon House Visit

On Tuesday the 25th of May, my class and I took a bus to Dixon house, an old people’s home. We went there because it was Get Caught Reading month, and the Tai Poutini Polytechnic decided it would be a great idea for us to go and talk to the older people at Dixon House. Before we left at 1pm, we got to pick a book from the school library. I had brought a book from home that I thought would be good, and this one was called the Velveteen Rabbit. It is a book about a toy rabbit made of velveteen, and filled with sawdust, that wants to become a real rabbit.

When we got to Dixon House, we were invited inside by the people from the polytech and we got to go up to someone and introduce ourselves. I didn’t really get to know the lady I walked up to because the book I chose was so long that it took the whole 40 minutes that we were there to read! I thought she really liked it since she made comments on how cute she thought the book was. I couldn’t really remember the lady’s name because I was so tired from reading for so long!

After I had finished reading the book, I said goodbye to the lady and went up to grab some afternoon tea. The food was cooked up by the polytech students for us and it was delicious. We also got a chocolate bar each before we left!

The staff and the residents of Dixon House said that they really liked having us there to read and talk to them, and our teacher was very proud of us.

Going there made me feel like I was doing something enjoyable for someone else. I also enjoyed listening to the lady’s comments about how she liked the book. Although, after that I learnt that I probably shouldn’t pick such a long book if I do it again!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Current Events- Chicago Rat Infestation

Hello everyone! After doing this week's current events quiz, I started a DLO about Chicago's rat infestation. The question was about what the city used to combat the rats. There had always been a rat infestation in Chicago but it had been on the news because they had finally done something about it! It turned out that they used 1,000 feral cats released from a shelter. I actually thought that was wrong because I thought they had released rats with a contagious rat disease, although that would have made it worse. 
I tried very hard to make this good because if I made the best I would get 200 house points for my School house colour, so then we would be likely to win with the most points. Anyway, I hope you like the post I made and hopefully you learn something from it.          

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tiangong space station

 Today we did the current events quiz, and I chose to do my inquiry about the launching of part of the Tiangong space station. The Tiangong space station is a station made by China. It was pretty fun being able to research this because I like space.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

ANZAC facts

 Today I read a slide with facts about ANZAC day. Then I had to write three facts I found interesting and why.

This activity wasn't very interesting because it didn't take very long.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Anzac- Poppy Growing

Today for Reading I made an animation of a poppy growing.  I was going to do it on a slide but it was too slow so I put it onto and it went faster. I liked doing this because I like drawing and Animating.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Native Maori Contingent Poster

 Today for Anzac learning I made a poster asking men to join the Native Maori Contingent. The Native Maori Contingent is the very first Maori unit in the war. 

To be btb I could have added more in.

Current Events- Curiosity

For the current events quiz, the second question I chose was a question about Curiosity the Mars rover. You can see the other question I chose in the post before this one. The question was: "NASA recently found an underground lake on Mars. What Rover found it?" and the answer was Curiosity the Mars Rover!

Current Events- 3,400 year old city

 Yesterday we did the weekly "Current Events" quiz and we got to choose 2 questions to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about. The first one I chose was about an ancient 3,000-year-old city found in Egypt last year that was revealed last week. 

To be BTB I could have added more information or looked harder for it.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

 Today we were learning about Anzac day and we got to choose something to do about it, so I chose to do something about morse code. I had to choose a fact I know about morse code and write it in the code! I used a converter otherwise it would take too long to write. 

This was interesting because I like morse code.

Top tip Poster

 As you may have seen in the post below, we did a thing called "Digital Dig". On the last slide, I had to make a poster about one of the top tips. I chose to do Search+l, which is how you lock your screen. I wasn't allowed to use pictures found on the internet so I decided to draw them! Yes, all the drawings are by me.

Digital Dig

 On Thursdays, one of my teachers does a thing called DFI where she learns about technology. One of the things she did was learn about a Chromebook keyboard, which was called "Digital Dig". When she came back to school she said that we had to do it! 

It was pretty fun but was also easy because I already know most of my keyboard. I liked it because I got to draw and I like drawing a lot.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Steakout- cover remake

 Today I read a play in a school journal called The Steak Out. It was about a cattle stealer and his sidekicks who run a steakhouse in the wild west and pretend to be women. They meet some ladies who come to the steakhouse and say that they are bounty hunters who are looking for the cattle stealer. When they start to realize who the "Lady" really is the cattle stealers steal the horses and run away.

After that, I chose an activity to do. I chose to remake the book cover as how I think it should look.

To be BTB I could have added more to the picture.

The original:

My version:

How we could make our school more energy efficient

 Over the past week, I have been learning about Tokelau and how they use 100% renewable energy. Then I had to use those ideas and make a model of a part of our school that shows how we could make it more energy-efficient. I chose the office area to build and made it out of cardboard.
I also had to make a video explaining my model after I made it.
By using solar panels we wouldn't have to pay so much for electricity, because they are really cheap. To make it even cheaper, when it's sunny we could use solar tubes. They don't even use any power!

This project was fun because I like making models of things and making videos. My favourite part was probably the building part.

To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could have explained how solar panels and solar tubes benefit our school more in the video.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Why fitness is good for you

This is why fitness is really good for you. You can keep healthy with fitness and be a happy person. If you get enough fitness, then you are a very healthy person.

We do a long run at school a lot, but most people hate it.

Monday, March 29, 2021

How tokelau makes energy

 For t-shaped literacy I read a slide about how Tokelau makes energy and the problems they faced. Then I made a slide explaining it for my blog. 
This was really interesting and it's cool how a really small country has some amazing ways of making power.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Car Races

For maths, we got into groups and had to race toy cars. We measured how far they went and how fast they were over a certain distance. Then we had to make bar graphs.
This project was really fun, especially the car racing!

Kinetic vs. Potential energy- Cotton Ball Launcher

For energy, we got in pairs to make something, like a paper plane launcher or a marble run, that explains kinetic and potential energy. I got in a pair with Lucy and we made a cotton ball launcher. We then videoed ourselves explaining how it works and showing it.
We didn't have a cotton ball so we had to use a screwed up piece of paper. 
This was a really fun project to do, and it would be amazing to do it again.
(Miro Chromebook Productions isn't a real thing, and neither is Lucy Studios! It's just a funny thing we do when we make videos.)

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Energy- sun and wind brainstorm

Today we had to think about how the sun and the wind affect our daily lives and make a brainstorm. Then we had to watch a video in Maori about Tawhirimatea, the wind god, and we had to figure out what was happening through the pictures. Then we had to add to the brainstorm. 

Watching the Maori video really made me think but I still managed to "Read" the pictures and add more on.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Know your keyboard

 Today I filled out a slide about knowing my keyboard and knowing all the shortcuts. I got it from a website, it's here:

This was easy because I already know a lot of shortcuts but I still learnt some more.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Energy song

For energy I made a song that explained everything about energy. I used the tune of the Star Wars Cantina Band by John Williams.

Energy Mobile

 For T-shaped literacy we have been learning about energy. I had to make a mobile about energy. I drew everything on my chromebook, printed them out then stuck them on cardboard and hung them up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Kinetic and Potential energy questions

 Today for literacy I had to watch a video that explains potential and kinetic energy. It had lots of things, like a rollercoaster model, dropping microphones, and using pogo sticks. Then I had to answer some questions about energy. I found these questions very interesting because I like science.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Nuclear energy vocabulary task

 Today I learned about potential and kinetic energy and other energies. Potential energy is energy stored in an object and kinetic is motion energy. I had to choose a type of energy and write what I know about it. I chose Nuclear energy because I know a lot about radiation and nuclear power having watched the Chernobyl series.

The picture is of Chernobyl in the 2000s after it exploded.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Compare and contrast- Energy

Today for Literacy we are doing T-shaped literacy. We had to read two articles about energy, then complete the Venn Diagram to compare them. It wasn't very easy because there wasn't much on the articles.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

You went where?

 In the holidays, I went to Nelson for an athletics tournament. At school, I had to make a piece of writing about it. The first paragraph described the place, the second when it is sunny and the third when it's rainy.

You went where?

Saxton Park Athletics field

The Saxton park athletics field is a massive athletics oval. It has a 400 meter track, a long jump pit and many other things for athletics. The Colgate Games athletics tournament is happening. Children of many ages are rushing out of the tents and participating in events. There are people with face paint on, doing activities and running around with drinks and snacks in their hands.

In the hot sun, there are people everywhere. Everyone buys cold drinks to keep cool. When they are waiting for their events, they sit in the shade, lathering on sunscreen. Even sunscreen can’t protect us from a tan.
Everyone is almost wasting their water, pouring it on their head and gulping it down. The sun beats down on our skin, making it hard to do any events because it is so hot. The sky is cloudless, so the sun never disappears, heating up the track and us.

When the sky is grey and it’s raining, most of the competitors and parents stay in their tents. There are less people out getting food, and when they do, it is for something warm.
The rain starts with a light drizzle, and when it comes for the grade 11 girls 400 metre races, the rain buckets down on everyone. The rain leaves us drenched, cold, and shivering. When we run, it is very hard to see because the rain splashes in our face.

Kawa of Care Poster

 To have our Chromebooks we have to sign the Kawa of Care. Today I had to make a poster of one of the rules. I chose "Don't share your password".

This was easy because I already know the Kawa of Care and it is just a simple poster.